Our goal is to get 5k fresh members to our discord channel and turn them into active members, ambassadors, affiliates. Using various incentives and gamification our goal is to bring 30k members with the help of initial 5k members.

Duration: 14 days

Channels diagram


Metrics: number of retweets of the announcement tweet, number of followers


We update our website and leave only a clue of what is this project about. The main focus on the website is to trigger curiosity and subscribe visitors.

Metrics: number of visitors, CR (subscribes)


Twitter: We engage influencers who are ready to share our announcement and shill for a whitelist.

List: List 1, List2, Blockwiz, Tyler

Metrics: number of retweets, likes of their posts

Youtube: We can engage a couple of youtube influencers that costs no more than $2k per video.

List: List 1, Blockwiz, Tyler