It is highly recommended that all proposals are first posted as a thread to the Discord 『🗣』dao-proposals channel for at least 3 days.

Proposals must follow the proposal format:

Please follow the template below for all proposals:


A few straightforward sentences on the proposal’s expected change and result.


Why is this proposal in the discussion? What does it aim to solve or provide? It is encouraged to add visuals that will help explain.


Explain your proposal in detail. How will it clear up issues with a roadmap?

ie: If the proposal passes today, what are the next steps and how long will it take to achieve the solution/opportunity?

Remember to under-promise to over-deliver

Proposal Contributors

Give credit to yourself and others that helped. Disclose interests in drafting the proposal.

Polling Period

The polling process begins now and will end at HH:MM UTC on DD/MM/YYYY. After this, a Snapshot vote will be put up at HH:MM UTC on DD/MM/YYYY.


For: Action taken if this proposal is accepted.

Against: Action taken if this proposal is rejected.